The Decision

The Decision

There comes a time to make a decision. Am I going to do this or am I going to do that? Or am I going to do both in Incongruency? Am I going to straddle the fence or am I going to leap over it and rush into the new field and experience all the new things that are in THAT field, not THIS one?
As a horse trainer I’ve come across many methods, ideologies and programs. I’ve learned, and am continuing to learn, which ones resonate with me and which ones don’t. Am I ready to ditch the ones that don’t and run away or am I going to cling a little, hold a little, not really let go? Well, I have to make a decision.

What I’ve learned is to Trust the Process, and I’ve always said The Process Will Lead Us to the Goal, but I don’t focus on the goal per say, I trust the process. So when something new comes along, I trust it’s OK! I follow it, I go along, and then if it’s proven inaccurate by my horses, then I go back! I don’t strangely just adapt everything I see or hear, but I review it and see if it aligns and resonates, then we go.

There’s a decision but there’s also flexibility. If I make a decision for myself and my horses, I must always remain flexible for those who aren’t ready to jump the fence and run into the new field. Sometimes safety and comfort are better! Sometimes peace if needed over a little adventure. I can make a decision and allow others the flexibility to stay where they are or come along, and even that IS a decision. It’s a decision to stay, it’s a decision to go. Whatever the path we take, it’s all going to be OK.

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